Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
1341 1132

Strength Magic Ranged
0.0 0.0 0.0

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
0 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
Melee Slashing Average
60 Attack, 40 Strength, and completed Regicide to wield
Where Found:
Bought at the Tyras Camp.
Item Uses:
Wield for combat.
Can only be purchased after completing Regicide. Also, if the monster you are attacking is standing on 2 or more spaces you will do a double hit. All halberds have fairly slow attack speed. If you specifically place yourself behind an obstacle you can hit things but not take damage.
3 kg
Examine Information:
A dragon halberd.

This Data was submitted by: Im4eversmart, Kyse, Stewy08, link7683, DRAVAN, gypped, ninja_mk11, refill4, mini kahn, mamyles1, bubble edie, your mama 90, Mcbobyo, pkmax56, Ju Juitsu, Killmouski, Emg_Blue, Radmite, Shebok10, Exphio, DarkAdvisor and jmgtothemax.

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