Must be inside the Barbarian Assault minigame to recruit other players.
Where Found:
Barbarian Assault, on a table in each of the recruitment rooms.
Item Uses:
Used to recruit other teammates for the Barbarian Assault minigame and acts as a team roster.
The scroll allows you to recruit players for a team in the Barbarian Assault minigame. To recruit another player, use the scroll on them and an interface will appear allowing you to see what position they want and then giving you the choice to accept or decline them. You will also need to write down your own role on the scroll before entering a game, but this can be done either before or after you have recruited all the other team members. At any time you can read the scroll, even if you are not inside the mini-game. It will tell you what role you have signed up for (if any) and the names and roles of all the other members of your team (if any). It also tells you which wave number you are currently in. You will not be able to add players or write a role for yourself while outside the minigame.
0 kg
Examine Information:
A recruitment scroll.

This Data was submitted by: Maonzhi and Rowan.

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