No Requirements.
Where Found:
Monster drop.
Item Uses:
Must be read to obtain Master quest cape.
This journal can be obtained at any time while killing Ripper demons. You do NOT need to be on a Slayer task to obtain.

If lost or destroyed, a new copy can be obtained from the bookcase in your Player-Owned House made through Construction.

Obtaining this text is a requirement for the Master quest cape. See Tips and Tricks to obtaining the Master Quest Cape for assistance obtaining the Master quest cape.

Below is the text you can read from within the book.

There is so little of me left now.

I am unravelling, literally.

My hands are now a collection of knives and my skin is no longer my own.

I hear the blood pumping in the veins of my coworkers, even as their hearts stop beating. Their blood still feels warm on my claws.

There is a terrible darkness where my memories once were.

Who am I?

[The rest of the journal has been torn to ribbons and is stained a disturbing shade of red]
0.5 kg
Examine Information:
The journal of an Al Kharid miner.
Dropped By:

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau and Zandahar.

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