No Requirements.
Where Found:
Monster drop.
Item Uses:
Must be read to obtain Master quest cape.
The diary can be obtained at any time while killing Ripper demons. You do NOT need to be on a Slayer task to obtain.

If lost or destroyed, a new copy can be obtained from the bookcase in your Player-Owned House made through Construction.

Obtaining this text is a requirement for the Master quest cape. See Tips and Tricks to obtaining the Master Quest Cape for assistance obtaining the Master quest cape.

Below is the text you can read from within the book.
In Zaros's name I have finally found it, the last remnants of the Ripper that the so called Saint Elspeth destroyed with her blasphemous music. The host was long since dead, having been entirely consumed by the chthonian majesty of the true demon.

Oh the miners have grown suspicious over my motives, but it's is amazing how independent thought is so easily swayed by a mere handful of gold. They do as I command and they dig ever deeper.

This night I will shroud the exit with a simple enchantment and the miners will find themselves entombed within. They will be terrified, the fools, completely unaware that I will help them transcend into something ancient and wonderful.


The wall is sealed and already panic has set in. It's too late for them, I have finished the ritual and the demon flesh has already sought out new hosts. I am exhausted, the ancient rituals require far more strength than I had imagined. More than just runes, I gave of my blood and of my spirit, funnelling that power into the near dead flesh.

But it worked. In Zaros's name worked. The flesh slithered off the corpse of the previous host and vanished into the shadows to find its new host. I almost envy the miners, but they are about to become something greater than before. They will return as mighty warriors of the Empty Lord. Glorious!

With the Ripper demons returned, we will be able to let them loose on the vile forces of Zamorak, who has dared to once again return to this world. The demons will massacre his lieutenants and eviscerate his soldiers. Zaros can deal with the usurper himself when he returns, but I will deliver him that finishing blow as my most devout offering.


I have been chosen.

I woke this morning to see that the Ripper had bonded with my leg, wrapping itself around me and beginning my metamorphosis into something greater. With the power of the demon I will truly be able to serve my lord. Surely he will reward my efforts and my sacrifice. Perhaps I will become a general, or an advisor. Perhaps a high priest.

I dedicate my life, my flesh and my soul to the Empty Lord. Zaros be praised.
1 kg
Examine Information:
The journal of a Zarosian cultist.
Dropped By:

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau and Zandahar.

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