Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
0 0

Strength Magic Ranged
0.0 0.0 0.0

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
298 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
Hybrid N/A N/A
Completion of The Light Within to obtain; 80 Defence to equip.
Where Found:
Purchased from Angof.
Item Uses:
Worn when fighting Crystal shapeshifters; Increases chance of obtaining Ancient elven wedding ring.
This item will degrade to a broken state after 100,000 charges have been used in combat. It can be restored using Tarddian crystals at a rate of 2% per crystal; 50 will be used for a full repair. This can be done by simply using the crystal(s) on the armor piece, an anvil is not necessary.

Equipping this armor provides perks when fighting Crystal shapeshifters that are improved depending on the number of armor pieces equipped. Note that with each piece of equipment worn, you also increase your chances of obtaining the Ancient elven wedding ring to complete the "Angs Off My Ring" requirement. Other boosts are as follows:
Pieces worn Effect(s)
1 Maximum amount of Tarddian crystals dropped and crystal fragments gathered are increased by 1 per piece.
2 10% damage increase against crystal shapeshifters
Chance to activate attuned crystal weaponry increased by 6%
3 Chance of activating Tarddian fury (1.5% per piece to a maximum of 7.5%) which hits all surrounding opponents with damage using the following formula: (Ability Damage * Agility level) / 300
4 Tarddian fury can remove bleeds and stuns
5 Chance of harmonious resonance activating, granting a 10 second buff; Seren prayers will not drain prayer points, Aurora spells (excluding Sapphire) are twice as effective, crystallise will last 15 seconds longer, and crystal mask will last 1 minute longer.

Pieces of this armor set include: Attuned crystal helm, Attuned crystal body, Attuned crystal legs, Attuned crystal gloves, and Attuned crystal boots.
9.9 kg
Examine Information:
A strange piece of armour made from tarddian crystal.

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau

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