Combat Effects:
Damage Accuracy
19 0

Strength Magic Ranged
19.0 19.0 19.0

Attributes Armour Life Bonus Prayer Bonus
0 0 0

Styles Class Attack Style Attack Speed
All N/A N/A
Luck of the Dwarves and 7,500 Teci to create.
Where Found:
Speak to the Armoursmith to imbue the Luck of the Dwarves.
Item Uses:
Wearing provides Tier 4 luck enhancement; teleport to Miscellania throne room, Grand Exchange in Varrock, or Keldagrim
Teleportation to Miscellania throne room, the Grand Exchange in Varrock, or Keldagrim does not need recharging.

Tier 4 luck includes:

This ring affects the luck of the all Slayer Monsters.

For more information about luck, please see the Rare Drop Table Special Report.
0.006 kg
Examine Information:
A ring that increases your chance of rare items from extremely dangerous across Gielinor. This has been imbued.

This Data was submitted by: SiriusXM

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