Retain After Quest?
Partial completion of Desperate Times.
Where Found:
Charos' tomb, under McGrubor's Woods.
Item Uses:
Read to learn how to find Charos.
This item cannot be kept in your bank. If lost or destroyed, you will need to obtain a new copy from the tomb.

Below is the text you can read from the letter.
Dear [NAME],

It is with tremendous excitement that I have discovered you are looking for me. I have watched your career from afar for a long time and I must say that I like what I have heard. I would love nothing more than for us to meet, that we might share stories and learn more of one another.

But, I could never do you the injustice of making this simple. We've danced around each other for a while now, so let us have one last waltz.

I have hidden three enchanted keys around the world. In three locations that you should have little difficulty finding. Each of the keys will unlock a piece of an enchantment on that necklace of mine that you found. You know the one, the necklace back when you were helping out poor old Uri.

When you find all three of these keys, the necklace can be used to break my disguise and you and I can finally meet in person.

So, grab that necklace and then seek out the location referenced in these three riddles:

Once there was a throne on which the emperor barely sat.
It fell beneath the soil and vanished.
But what was buried can rise again.
I see what has been buried and I see how to raise it up.

Four warriors stand above the water, staring out at the world.
Northwards stands a mighty home.
Ascend then to greatness.
And rest in comfort's luxurious embrace.

We do not need, a table round.
Nor shields of glistening white.
As the night are we adorned.
In strength and power is our allegiance.

I look forward to meeting you whilst wearing my true face.

Yours sincerely,


This item cannot be disassembled.
0 kg
Examine Information:
A letter from a tomb.

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau

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