110 Farming to grow an asciatops.
Where Found:
Result of breeding asciatops at the Ranch Out of Time.
Item Uses:
Can be grown from egg to elder at the Ranch Out of Time; Sold to Evil Dave (asciatops buyer) or Baby Shakes for beans; Used to breed more asciatops at the Ranch Out of Time.
Asciatops acta can be traded player to player, but can only be sold on the Grand Exchange in their Unchecked form.

Asciatops are kept in the large pens or the breeding pen at the Ranch Out of Time. Asciatops need to be fed while in pens. They eat most raw meat. See Meaty mush for available options.

At the Adolescent, Adult, and Elder growth stages the Asciatops will provide 65 Spark chitin. The following table shows the time it takes to grow an Asciatops and the experience given: 
Egg to Baby Baby to Adolescent Adolescent
to Adult
Adult to Elder Time to Breedable Total
Time XP Time XP Time XP Time XP Time XP Time XP
21 hours 30 minutes 14,000 1 day 8 hours
11 minutes
21,000 2 days 16 hours
32 minutes
42,000 4 days 47 minutes 63,000 4 days 22 hours
12 minutes
77,000 8 days 23 hours 140,000

When sold to Evil Dave (asciatops buyer) for beans the number of beans received is dependent upon the Asciatops' age. Baby Shakes will pay you 10% of the value that Evil Dave (asciatops buyer) does:
Buyer Egg Baby Adolescent Adult Elder
Baby Shakes 25 50 252 214 177
Evil Dave (asciatops buyer) 252 504 2,520 2,142 1,765

Curing an asciatops of disease provides the following experience:
Baby Adolescent Adult Elder
700 1,050 2,100 630
This item cannot be disassembled.
0.01 kg
Examine Information:
An Asciatops acta for your player owned farm.

This Data was submitted by: 3ter 1

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