Examine Information:
A newly-graduated wizard from Lumbridge.
Miscellaneous Information:
Ilona participates in the following quests:
  • The Blood Pact - She will be kidnapped by a fellow apprentice and must be saved you you and Xenia
  • Rune Mysteries - If you have completed The Blood Pact, she can be spoken to in order to see what has been going on within the Tower
During and after completion of Heart of Stone, Ilona will take Xenia's place within the Lumbridge Cemetary and perform the same functions in Xenia's absence. These functions include awarding Caitlin's staff, Kayle's chargebow, Reese's sword, Reese's off-hand sword, and the Helmet of trials, as well as collecting demon statuettes from the nearby catacombs (Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz).

Ranch Out of Time:

Wizard Ilona is a large pen buyer who specifically wishes to purchase your spicati apoterrasaurs. She will purchase up to 6 for a varying amount of beans. The base value is dependent upon the animal's age and are as follows:
Age Beans
Egg 230
Baby 459
Adolescent 2,295
Adult 1,951
Elder 1,607
The number of beans obtained can also be modified by several other factors. From lowest to highest, these include:
  • -10% - Nice but Dim trait
  • -05% - Surly trait
  • -02% - Limited Effency trait
  • +02% - Lucky trait
  • +05% - Unlucky for Some trait
  • +05% - Animal farmer outfit
  • +10% - Master farmer outfit
  • +10% - Fortunate trait
  • +10% - Buyer's desired breed
  • +10% - Buyer's desired trait
  • +25% - Buyer's desired breed and trait
  • +52% - Highest possible bonus - Lucky, Unlucky for Some, and Fortunate traits + Master farmer outfit + desired breed and trait

Note that you will not ALWAYS find this NPC at their Ranch Out of Time location. They will need to be your current buyer for that size pen and you must have not sold them their max amount of critters.

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau and 3ter 1

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