Max Hit:
Examine Information:
A strange, inhuman, elemental warrior.
100% Drop:
Rare Drop Table:
Additional drops can be obtained from the Rare Drop Table.
All Possible Loot:
Highlighted Drops
Name Amount
Blue charm Blue charm 1
Crimson charm Crimson charm 1
Gold charm Gold charm 1
Green charm Green charm 1
Earth warriors are aggressive, but are only able to attack you one at a time in Edgeville Dungeon as it is Single-way combat area.

If fighting them in the Chaos Tunnels, you must make sure that you stay out of range of the Bronze dragons found in the same room or risk being dealt high damage by their dragonfire.

This Data was submitted by: Eragon7985, aj525, Bunchieph, Kaasinen, Sand_scape, Jann10000, nsoccer87,Lord leh, ilikepie2020, jsem, Keystone, elvenstreng, no harm, Imperial4x4, suija demon, kosha, sir lancer14, Fireball0236, evilishies, mamyles1, samwilliamh, Fiery_Devil, orc_crusher9, Mickel, ivory43, Kang, Fivestar24, Sheep01, Theflint, aohx_hybrid8, juggalo1506, and skatepunk497, darth hellsc, Hammeh, Killmouski, Mythiquedame, Gom rath, Pescao6, 3628800258, Bladerman970, master3178, the_hell75, raiden_w5, lechat_2003, KaiNoSaru, diamondi3ack, Alfawarlord, Kassandra, Javezz, and GeraltRivia2.

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