95 Summoning to make (Exp: 835.5) and use (Exp: 5.3).
Where Found:
Player made (See Notes Section).
Item Uses:
Used to summon a Tier 10 hoardstalker skill/forager familiar.
Made by using a blue charm and one Tyrannomastyx hide on a Dungeoneering summoning obelisk.
This familiar forages tier 10 materials. Pouch can alternatively be used on a Dungeoneering summoning altar to make 10 Aptitude scrolls (tier 10) for use with this familiar.

This item cannot be removed from Daemonheim, and cannot be carried to the next level with the bind feature. This item is only tradable within Daemonheim.
0 kg
Examine Information:
I can summon a Sachem hoardstalker with this. (Tier 10)

This Data was submitted by: QueenSteffie.

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