This Data was submitted by: Fireball0236, J O H N N Y, thearbknight, pingu head, malicebeast, pie man89, marajana1, DILWEG, Tumeg, DRAVAN, Sccrluk9, Switcher, viralmonkey9, yamashina, sd23, Alex201285, toby t, dragonrock1, Tim8607, Stewy08, DunnyBasher, chaos dwaf, Darigazz33, Hrrypttrjohn, gravy2000, Draco951, Death612, leglsgandalf, Sand Spinner, Skippmoonray, Mage017, Fishman, Chibidaima, InuYasha3336, davros70, shreder08, mamyles1, princefalcon, Creature989, mozzamoose, feel my pure, Fizzypooh, tschnd, shelpnl, Boioboi, Im4eversmart, Jard Dooku, furiouspanda, billmelater2, dl-darkdell3, archer sam h, Dr legs, ultimantorca, LordJunior, Queztor, Cju, matthius ult, nk_h, Skadwick, Mythiquedame, Killmouski, Jakesterwars, Gregmasta, Alfawarlord, Freewendy, Bloodstane1, Bladerman970, 19pigdude, Omega, and GeraltRivia2.

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