The entrance can be found at a drain that is located at the west side of the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence. After entering through the drain you will come across a jail. You must proceed into the poster dungeon.

The entrance into the stronghold is in the tunnel that is hidden under the poster on the second jail block to the left.

The stronghold contains muggars, cockroach drones, cockroach workers, and cockroach soldiers. The strongest monster in this dungeon is the level 36 cockroach soldier.

Player safety


Ground Level:

At this level there are two doors as well as a crevice. The crevice is in fact a shortcut into the dungeon. This can only be done after you have climbed the rope from inside the dungeon at least one time. The main door to the Training Centre is locked before doing the player safety exam. The second door is the Jail Entrance, which allows the player to access the jail.

Note: Players that are under the age of 13 must inspect all the jail cell doors, then make their way towards upstairs and talk to Professor Henry. After passing the test, players can then go back downstairs and explore the poster to find the discover the main dungeon. If a player is in fact older the the age of 13 they can skip this step.

Middle Level:

In this area of the dungeon where you go from the tunnel. The north-east room has stairs that go up to an another level.

Upper Level:

In the north room there is a lever that once it is pulled open a door in this dungeon. The upper area also contains a rops that leads to the crevice on the service.

Secure Sector Level:

Proceed to the small side of the tunnel in the middle of your map, once there you will locate a chest. Once opened you will receive 10,000 coins and safety gloves.

Lower Level:

This is the fourth, bottom floor of the dungeon. Several Cockroach drones, workers and 3 Cockroach Soldier occupy this area. Cockroach Soldiers are located in the North-east room divided from the rest of the Cockroaches by 2 small passages, which the cockroaches cannot pass through. In the North-West corner, there is a jail door. This door puts you almost directly across from the chest. It saves much time running through the stronghold.

This Map was written by Jett_Man and DRAVAN.. Thanks to LeChef93 and DRAVAN. for corrections.
This Map was entered into the database on Sat, Mar 22, 2008, at 12:00:44 AM by Jakesterwars, and it was last updated on Sun, Sep 27, 2015, at 01:49:51 AM by DRAVAN.

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