Skill Levels Required:
Quests Required:
Items Needed:
Skill Levels Recommended:
Items Recommended:
Starting Point:
Click on the Extras button, then on the Treasure Hunter button.
Is this MiniGame Safe to play?:
Getting Started:

To start with Treasure Hunter you will need to open the main interface by clicking on the 'Extras' button on your menu bar (see first image below, your bar may look different in size, but the button is the same one). Then click the Treasure Hunter button on the screen that pops up (see second image below).

Extras button
Treasure Hunter button

If you close the main interface then a small button (see image below) will appear so you can quickly get back to opening your treasure chests. This button can be moved anywhere on the screen, if you close the button then it will not show up again while you stay logged in.

Chest Icon

The Interface:

Treasure Hunter Interface

The main interface for Treasure Hunter has three main sections. The top information bar, the central treasure chest section, and the bottom prize section.

The information bar along the top of the interface allows you to:

  • Select how many chests you open with each click. 1 or 10 can be chosen by clicking the relevant radial button.
  • View the number of keys and Hearts of Ice that you have remaining. Hovering over the key icon will show you how many of each type of key you have.
  • Buy more keys, see below for more info. This will log you out of the game.
  • Check which categories you have frozen. See below for more info on this.
  • Close the interface

The central treasure chest section is where you pick the chest you would like to open to get your prize. When you open a chest it will show a gem that is inside, after a short delay you will get a screen pop up showing you the item you have won. See below for info on claiming rewards. If you have the option to open 10 chests at once then this will generate 2 rewards per chest and will open all 5 at the same time to claim the items. Using this option will mean that the selection of prizes will not be reolled for each key you use.

The bottom prize section of the interface shows the selection of prizes that you could currently find in one of the chests. The rarity of the item is indicated by the color of the gem that it is in. Mousing over one of the gems will show you more information about the prize, including it's name, examine, rarity and the category it belongs to.

  • Common gem - Common.
  • Fairly common gem - Fairly common.
  • Uncommon gem - Uncommon.
  • Rare gem - Rare.
  • Very rare gem - Very rare.

Claiming Your Reward:

Claiming your prize interface

The image above shows the interface that will appear once you have selected a chest. You must claim the reward using this interface before you will be able to open a new chest. The options on this interface are:

  • Backpack - Use this option to claim the item to your backpack. Coins will go into your coin pouch using this option.
  • Bank - Use this option to send the item to your bank. This option is not available for items that cannot be banked, such as fallen stars and XP lamps.
  • Cash Out - This option will destroy the item and give you the coin shown on the interface.
  • Claim Later - Use this option if you have no space in your backpack or bank to hold the item you have won. You must use one of the other options for your prize to be able to open another chest.

Freezing Categories:

Freezing categories interface

You are able to freeze a category of prizes so that you do not receive one of those items in a chest. The categories you can freeze are any of the skill categories. Freezing a category requires a Heart of ice, one heart of ice is used for each skill you freeze per key you use up. For example, in the image above you can see that Cooking, Firemaking and Fletching are currently frozen because their icon is frozen, this will use up 3 hearts of ice for every key that is used up. You are able to freeze a maximum of 10 categories per key.

Hearts of ice are included as bonus items when you are purchasing keys. They are also earned along with keys when you complete a quest, turn in a daily challenge, redeem a Key token or redeem a double key token. You will also earn 5 hearts of ice after you open a 5th chest within the same day, there is no limit to the number of hearts you can earn through this method.

You are also given some Hearts of Ice for free every day, Free-To-Play users will receive one, while members will receive two. Your daily Hearts of Ice do not expire if they are not used up on the same day.

Obtaining Keys:

There are a number of ways you can earn keys for Treasure Hunter. These include purchasing keys, earning keys, and daily keys.

As a non-member you will receive 1 key daily, as a member you will receive 2, as a silver or gold premier member you will receive 3. These daily keys must be used on the day you get them, before midnight GMT. If you have any daily keys left at that time they will be removed and you will get new ones for the next day.

In addition to the daily keys there are a number of ways that you can earn them while playing, these include:

  • Monster Drops: When fighting monsters, there is a chance of receiving a Key token as a drop, granting 1 extra key and 1 heart of ice when claimed. It cannot be obtained from monsters in minigames or from Dungeoneering.
  • Skilling: When skilling, there is a chance of a Key token appearing in your inventory. Only the skilling actions that allow you to acquire Shattered Heart strange rocks have a chance of yielding an extra key.
  • Weekly Distractions and Diversions: Each week, one will give you one guaranteed Key token. Which Distractions and Diversions earns you an extra key during the current week is shown in the Treasure Hunter reward screen. Weekly, the following take turns in granting you an extra key
  • Troll Invasion: Each month, your first attempt at Troll Invasion will yield you an extra key.
  • Quests: For each quest you complete, you will receive 2 extra keys. However, you do not receive any keys for the quests you have already completed.
  • Daily Challenge: For each daily challenge you complete, you will receive an extra key.

You can only earn a maximum of 10 earned keys each day, and although these earned keys do not expire over time, you may only have 10 at a time.

Extra keys can also be purchased for real world money. If you wish to buy keys, click on the "Buy Keys" button in the top right corner of the Treasure Hunter interface. You will be taken to a secure page where you can choose your preferred payment method and the number of keys you would like to buy. Enter in your details to complete the purchase. You have 6 months to use up purchased keys before they expire and disappear.

Buy Keys


All of the items you can find in a chest can be found in the tables below. Each table represents one category, your potential items that can be found in a chest are picked from these categories, one item maximum from each category. The 5 chests you see are then filled with items from your list of potential items that you see at the bottom of the Treasure Hunter interface. Categories can be excluded from the chests through the use of Hearts of Ice, although you will still see frozen items in your list of potential rewards you will not win one, if it is inside the chest you pick then it will be swapped with something else you could have won.

Some items are grouped and only one item from that group will be available to you depending on your level in that skill. For example Cooking has two groups of items, if the item selected is from group 2 and you're level 91, then you will win Raw manta ray.

A * indicates that the prize can only be claimed by a member.

Promotional Items:

Current Promotion:

Image Name Amount Level Rarity
Treasure hunter mimic Treasure hunter mimic 1 Any Rare gem

Note: This promotion runs from Monday 3rd February 00:00 GMT until Monday 10th February 2014 23:59 GMT.

Cosmetic Items:

Image Name Amount Level Rarity
Archon headdress Archon headdress 1 Any Rare gem
Archon crest Archon crest 1 Any Rare gem
Archon tassets Archon tassets 1 Any Rare gem
Archon gloves Archon gloves 1 Any Rare gem
Archon boots Archon boots 1 Any Rare gem
Ramokee headwear Ramokee headwear 1 Any Rare gem
Ramokee torso Ramokee torso 1 Any Rare gem
Ramokee legs Ramokee legs 1 Any Rare gem
Ramokee hands Ramokee hands 1 Any Rare gem
Ramokee feet Ramokee feet 1 Any Rare gem
Sombrero Sombrero 1 Any Rare gem
Warlord headdress Warlord headdress 1 Any Rare gem
Warlord tunic Warlord tunic 1 Any Rare gem
Warlord kilt Warlord kilt 1 Any Rare gem
Warlord gloves Warlord gloves 1 Any Rare gem
Warlord boots Warlord boots 1 Any Rare gem

Skill Items:


Image Name Amount Level Rarity
Protean plank Protean plank* 20 Any Uncommon gem
Huge fallen star (Construction) Huge fallen star (Construction)* 1 Any Rare gem
Large fallen star (Construction) Large fallen star (Construction)* 1 Any Very rare gem
Medium fallen star (Construction) Medium fallen star (Construction)* 1 Any Fairly common gem
Prismatic medium fallen star Prismatic medium fallen star* 1 Any Fairly common gem
Small fallen star (Construction) Small fallen star (Construction)* 1 Any Common gem
Prismatic small fallen star Prismatic small fallen star* 1 Any Common gem
Huge XP lamp (Construction) Huge XP lamp (Construction)* 1 Any Very rare gem
Large XP lamp (Construction) Large XP lamp (Construction)* 1 Any Rare gem
Medium XP lamp (Construction) Medium XP lamp (Construction)* 1 Any Fairly common gem
Small XP lamp (Construction) Small XP lamp (Construction)* 1 Any Common gem
Group 1 Group 2
Image Name Amount Level Rarity Image Name Amount Level Rarity
Plank Plank 5 1-9 Common gem Plank Plank 5 1-9 Common gem
8 10-19 8 10-19
Oak plank Oak plank* 5 20-29 Common gem Oak plank Oak plank* 5 20-29 Common gem
10 30-49
Mahogany plank Mahogany plank* 2 50-59 Common gem Teak plank Teak plank* 5 30-59 Common gem
4 60-69 8 60-69
5 70+ 10 70+
Group 3 Group 4
Image Name Amount Level Rarity Image Name Amount Level Rarity
Steel nails Steel nails 15 1-9 Common gem Plank Plank 5 1-9 Common gem
40 10-19
60 20-29
Mithril nails Mithril nails* 10 30-39 Common gem Oak plank Oak plank* 3 10-19 Common gem
20 40-49 5 20-29
10 30-39
Adamantite nails Adamantite nails* 10 50-59 Common gem Teak plank Teak plank* 5 40-49 Common gem
10 50-59
20 60-69 15 60-69
20 70+
Rune nails Rune nails* 10 70+ Common gem

This Minigame Guide was written by Amoa. Thanks to Alfawarlord for corrections.
This Minigame Guide was entered into the database on Wed, Mar 14, 2012, at 11:51:42 PM by Alfawarlord, and it was last updated on Sat, Feb 08, 2014, at 03:53:01 AM by Amoa.

If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO!

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