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44 Runecrafting
Nature talisman OR Nature tiara
Pure essence Membership

Shilo Village for banking method.
Super energy for running.
The Grand Tree
Amulet of Glory (4)


Nature Altar Map With Routes

No matter what method you use to craft Nature runes, it will take some time. Whatever method you use, it won't be like crafting Air runes. Hereunder, are a list of various methods people use.

  1. *Lodestone:*

    1. Transport yourself to the Karamja lodestone. This method is only a little bit further then other methods mentioned. 2. Run to the Nature altar, make the runes and transport to any lodestone nearest to the bank such as Al Kharid or Burthrope, or Edgeville. 3. Bank the Nature runes and take out more Pure essence. 4. Teleport to Karamja lodestone and repeat as may times as you want.

  2. *Banking (Shilo Village):*

    The all-simplistic method of simple banking. Withdraw 27 Pure essence and your Nature talisman (or Nature tiara and 28 Pure essence). Exit the village and proceed the detour around the gates of Shilo Village. You then head into the altar, craft your 27 (or 28) Nature runes and head back out of the altar. Afterwards you take the long walk back around the village and into the bank once again. This method takes an average of 5 and a half minutes (without running) per trip. This is indeed, the longest way you do this, unless you decide to take an hour long break in between your trip. This is the method almost everyone tries the first time, and thinks, "Okay. No."

    Which is why we personally devise our own ways of crafting Nature runes. Some of us like it one way and others of us like doing this another way - it is up to you, but when you start out it is best to try out everything before finding a preference for yourself. Don't settle for the first method you try - try out every one you know of or are told about before settling in.

  3. General Store:

    One of the more common methods used to craft Nature runes: this cuts off a minute - two minutes at maximum, compared to the banking method. It is natural to firstly take out some money (Depending on the amount of Pure essence you are wanting to craft, take about 5 Coins per essence note, so if you are carrying 1,000 Pure essence noted, bring 5k Coins. It might be safer to bring a bit more, but it is all up to you) and Pure essence noted depending on how many you want to craft, a Nature talisman (or tiara) and 26 (or 27 if you have a tiara) unnoted essence in your inventory to fill it up. You proceed to craft 26 (or 27) Amulet of Glory and then you go off in a North-West direction and to the General Store, where you sell 26 (or 27) essence and buy them back. You then re-trace your path back to the altar and craft your Nature runes. Repeat this process until you are done.

  4. *Glory Amulet:*

    One of the various methods which revolves around the gnome glider method. Your bank is at Al Kharid. Basic requirements are, preferably 5 or more Amulet of Glory (4) ready to be used, and also you must have done The Grand Tree. Bank at Al Kharid - withdraw your Nature talisman (or tiara) and 27 Pure essence (28 with a tiara). Make sure AND ALWAYS CHECK that you have a Amulet of Glory (4) on you. For safety measures, bring a ring of dueling in case. You will learn why later. Head north towards the Gnome Glider. Fly to 'Ta Quir Priw' (The Grand Tree), and from there fly to 'Gandius' (Karamja). Craft your Nature runes and then rub your Amulet of Glory (4), click on Al Kharid, and voila. You find yourself in the Al Kharid palace, located adjacent to the bank. Equip your Amulet of Glory (4) and proceed to the bank. Store your 27 Nature runes withdraw 27 essence, and head North to the plane. Repeat the process.

    After 4 trips, you will realize that you "have just used your last charge" of your Amulet of Glory. No fret - when you bank, unequip your Amulet of Glory and exchange it for a charged one you have. Many times, if you frequent this method, at least once in your lifetime you will forget to swap your uncharged for charged, and you find yourself stranded at the Altar: OH NO! WHAT DO I DO?! Well, there is no need to go berserk over it. Remember that ring of dueling you are wearing? Rub it and teleport to Al Kharid Dueling Arena. Phew - back and safe in civilization!

    Important Notes: If you find your self standing at the Altar with a uncharged Glory and without a dueling ring, you can walk to Shilo Village and bank there to get a new Glory Amulet, or, walk east, over the river, then South-East and hop on the glider to fly back to Al Kharid.

    Gnome Glider To Karamja

  5. *Glory Amulet/Dueling Ring:*

    Same concept as above - in fact all these teleporting ones have the same concept. You still bank at Al Kharid, and you still take the plane, and you still walk to the altar - the only difference is the way you teleport back. Teleport to Edgeville, bank, and then teleport to Al Kharid Dueling Arena using your dueling ring, and take a short walk to the Gnome Glider. Repeat the process. Castle Wars to Duel Arena costs about 500 coins per time, it's just a bit slower than the Abyss, but safer.

  6. *Abyssal Crafting:*

    (a)This is the most dangerous, but also the fastest way of Runecrafting. You take a Glory with you and teleport to Edgeville. Bank there and go to the wonderful Zamorak Mage to teleport you to the Abyss. Make your way to the middle and exit through the Nature Raft. Make your Runes and get back to Edgeville. Watch out for pkers!

    (b)If you don't want to risk losing your Glory Amulet just take a Dueling ring instead, it's the same process as above. Once you have crafted your Nature runes, take out your dueling ring and teleport to Castle wars, get a Glory Amulet out of your bank and Teleport to Edgeville, now bank the Glory and wear the Dueling ring, also don't forget to take out the Pure essence.

    Dueling Ring Teleport Options

    (c) If you do not want to risk items, Paddewwa Teleport if you can, as it cuts time and lessens the items you would use if you died to PKers.

  7. *Dueling Rings:*

    There are two methods people use when it comes to dueling rings.
    (a). Same concept as methods 3 and 4. The only difference is, as always, the teleporting back. This method incorporates the concept of rubbing the dueling ring and teleporting direct to Al Kharid Dueling Arena. Bank at either the Dueling Arena or Al Kharid city bank, and then take the gnome glider back.
    (b). Same concept as methods 3 and 4. The only difference is, again, the teleporting back. This method incorporates rubbing the ring and teleporting to Castle Wars Arena. Bank at Castle Wars, which is by far less time consuming than going directly to Al Kharid and walking to either of the banks. After banking at Castle Wars, have your nature talisman, your ring of dueling and 26 Pure essences. Rub the ring again and teleport to Al Kharid Duel Arena - then return to the Gnome Glider.

  8. *Fairy Rings:*

    This is the last method in this guide. When you have started the members quest Fairy Tale Part II and gained permission to use the fairy rings, you can make use of the fairy ring transportation network to craft Nature runes. You will need to start this method from the lost city and be wielding your Dramen staff. From the bank in the lost city, head South-East to the fairy ring portal and enter the code CKR. This will teleport you to a point South-West of the Nature Altar and North-East of Shilo Village. Head to the Nature Altar and craft your runes then return to the lost city by the same fairy ring, Repeat this process until you have reached the amount of nature runes desired.

    Fairy Ring Code To Karamja

* = These methods revolve around using a teleportation item or banking. For these, it is optional to bring a pickaxe and mine the rocks to the north-west of the altar. There are 2 Adamantite rocks, 2 Mithril rocks, 2 Coal rocks, 1 Iron rock and the remainder few are Tin rocks. Since you are going to the bank after your nature crafting trip, you might want to take home a few ores for you. This increases not only your Runecrafting level per trip, but also your mining (which can ultimately be used for Smithing at a later stage, or selling to make some money).

This Special Report was written by Sporhund, Sk8rRIMuk, Skeletonmat, and zhicks1. Thanks to DarkPyroNinja for corrections.
This Special Report was entered into the database on Sun, Jun 25, 2017, at 02:28:13 AM by DarkPyroNinja, and it was last updated on Sun, Jun 25, 2017, at 02:31:02 AM by DarkPyroNinja.

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