Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Level 45 Farming (Boostable)
Level 52 Herblore (Boostable)
Level 58 Thieving (Boostable)
Level 59 Agility (Boostable)
Level 71 Woodcutting (Boostable)
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
2 Tarromin, 2 Vial of water, Seed dibber, Watering can, Leather gloves, and an Axe.
Items Recommended for Quest:
Food (Swordfish or Sharks), Armor, a Weapon, a few Prayer potions, and a Game Necklace (8).
Items Acquired During Quest:
A Griffin Feather, Rupert The Beard's Helmet, Key to Witch's House, a Music Sheet, Shrinking Recipe, 2 Shrink-Me-Quick potions, a Pendant, Magic Beans, and a Golden Goblin.
Quest Points:
4k Farming XP, 5k Herblore XP, 5k Hitpoints XP, 14k Woodcutting XP, 6k Agility XP, 6k Thieving XP, Dwarven helmet
Start Point:
Taverley Village
To Start:
Speak to Sylas
  1. Speak to Sylas and he will tell you about his magic beans. He will then ask you to bring him a Griffin feather from a griffin named Grimgnash on White Wolf Moutain.

    Step 1

  2. Proceed to the northeastern part of White Wolf Mountain and talk to Grimgnash. Be careful, since anything that you incorrectly say to him will make him bite you and deal quite a large amount of damage.

    Step 2

  3. Tell him that you heard he was a powerful Griffin (if you tell him you're there to get his feather, he will bite you). You will now have to tell him a bedtime story to get him to fall asleep. Talk to him again to begin.

  4. Here are the correct choices for the story:
    There once was a graveyard filled with undead.
    There lived a skeleton named Skullrot.
    Skullrot was insane!
    Skullrot hungrily grabbed the gnome's hair.
    Started to strangle the poor gnome.
    He saw a big axe leaning on the wall.

  5. Grimgnash will then fall asleep, so grab a feather from the nearby pile and return to Sylas.

    Step 5

  6. Sylas will now tell you that he needs Rupert the Beard's Helmet. Ask what about the helmet, and he will tell you to travel northeast from here to a tower between Ice Mountain and the Goblin Village, right next to Doric's house.

  7. Proceed to the tower and climb over the crumbling wall on the east side.

    Step 7

  8. Next, talk into the drain pipe and you will have an odd conversation with Rupert the Beard.

    Step 8

  9. Speak into the drain pipe again, and suggest that you can climb up. Then ask him if there is anything in the tower that could help. He will let down his beard.

    Step 9

  10. Climb the beard and then talk to Rupert. He will ask you to go speak to the princess.

    Step 10

  11. Talk to Miazrqa and choose the option for "second cousin, twice removed". She will then tell you that she will let Rupert go if you find a pendant that she lost. Ask her for a key to the witch's house before leaving.

    Step 11

  12. Head to the witch's house near Taverley and then head down to the basement. Put on some leather gloves, go through the gate, and then grab the music sheet. Play the notes from the music sheet on the piano and the compartment will open. The correct notes are Upper E, Upper F, Upper E, Upper D, Upper C, Lower A, Lower E, Lower G, Lower A.

    Step 12a

    Step 12b

  13. Read the shrinking recipe and then prepare two shrink-me-quick potions by adding tarromin and shrunk ogleroots to vials of water.

  14. Go upstairs and head over to the mouse hole. Drink one of the potions and you will go through it.

    Step 14a

    Step 14b

  15. Run past the mouse and climb up the nails. Head south, then west around the bend, and climb up the nails. Climb up the nails again, go around the bend to the northeast, and then climb down the nails. Head north and then climb up the nails and take the pendant.

    Step 15a

    Step 15b

  16. Return to the princess and give her the pendant, and she will free Rupert, and he will give you his helmet. Now head over to Sylas.

    Step 16

  17. Give the helmet to Sylas and he will give you the magic beans, which you must now use to climb into the clouds and recover a golden goblin.

  18. Walk over to the magic bean patch to the southeast, near the clothesline, and plant the magic beans. Water them, and a beanstalk will grow.

    Step 18

  19. Climb the beanstalk and kill Glod. Beware, he can drain your prayer, turn off your prayers at will, and he can also continually heal himself when he is low on Lifepoints. Also remember this is an instanced fight, so you will not be able to retrieve your items in case you die.

    Note: If you have 68 Woodcutting, you may use a Dragon axe to boost it by 3 levels using its special attack, provided that you also have 60 Attack in order to wield it.

    Step 19

  20. Once dead, pick up the golden goblin and return to Sylas. He will then tell you to cut down the beanstalk.

  21. Return to the beanstalk and use the shrink-me-quick potion on it. Then cut it down.

    Step 21

  22. Return to Sylas for your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete!

This Old School Quest Guide was written by Sir_Bob126 and Im4eversmart. Thanks to lupin, sksfrontiers, theundeadgod, Cfaman2004, Crypto416, trekkie, Artemicia, Orangeboy201, Hotwheels_10, Jarkur, The Recluse, and Bakenz for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Jun 04, 2007, at 11:14:21 AM by Im4eversmart, and it was last updated on Wed, Jun 28, 2017, at 12:11:04 AM by L1ttleR3d.

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