What does this calculator do?

This particular calculator is the Miscellania Management Calculator. It is used for finding the amount of materials that a player may receive from their kingdom on Miscellania.

How do I work the calculator?

The Miscellania Management calculator works similarly to how it is done in RuneScape. Use the arrows by each type of worker to increase or decrease the amount of workers on that material. You may change the amount of money in the coffers by clicking the "Change" button underneath your coffers and typing in a new amount. Approval may be changed similarly, and the amount of days you wish to allow is changed by the arrows next to the "Days" counter.
To view the amount of supplies produced by any given set of workers, simply hover your mouse over the worker bar and their yields shall be shown! Please note that as Farms can produce over 40 types of seeds, not all of which are produced daily, it is difficult to impossible to predict yields accurately.
To keep your approval rating at its initial value as the "Maintain Approval Rating?" button allows, a user must be sure to raise their approval by 1% every day; approval ratings drop by 1% every day after your workers gather their materials. If you leave your kingdom alone for several days at a time, uncheck the box.

This Calculator was written by Oblivion590. Data was provided by Nuke Marine, and images were taken by dudester2004. Thanks to Sroy2, Fireball0236, Varinathras, slim kin, and Haemostax for corrections.
This Calculator was entered into the database on Sun, Sep 24, 2006, at 03:05:38 PM by Oblivion590, and it was last updated on Fri, Aug 22, 2008, at 09:28:38 AM by Taavi.

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