Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
No Requirements.
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
4 Buckets of water, Rope, Chocolate dust*, Bucket of milk*, Dwellberries*, Spade, and Snape grass.

Note: All these items may be purchased from the Grand Exchange. Players may also purchase items marked with an asterisk symbol from the Grand Tree Groceries, located at the north-west corner of the first floor of the Grand Tree.
Items Recommended for Quest:
Items Acquired During Quest:
Gas mask, Elena portrait, Book, A scruffy note, Chocolatey milk, Hangover cure, Warrant, A small key, and A magic scroll.
Quest Points:
2425 Mining Xp, and a Magic Scroll which tells you that you can now cast the Ardougne teleport spell.
Start Point:
East Ardougne.
To Start:
Speak to Edmond.
  1. Talk to Edmond in the garden of his house in the northwest corner of East Ardougne. He will tell you about his daughter who has gone to West Ardougne to investigate the plague. He will ask you to talk to his wife.

    Step 1

  2. Talk to Alrena nearby and she will tell you about the city and that you'll need a mask to get in. She will make you one if you have a dwellberry. Give her the Dwellberry and she will give you a mask. She will then tell you to talk to Edmond. Before doing so, get the picture of Elena which is inside the house on the table.

    Step 2

  3. Talk to Edmond and he will say that you will need to pour some water on the soil. Use 4 Buckets of water and Spade on the mud patch and you and Edmond will fall into the sewer.

    Step 3

  4. Walk southwest and you will find a Sewer Pipe. Pull the bars off covering the pipe and use a rope on it and talk to Edmond. He will say that you will have to go alone. Wear your gas mask then search the pipe.

    Step 4

  5. You will now be in West Ardougne. Find a citizen called Jethick and tell him you are trying to finding Elena. He will tell you that she is helping the people in this city and also ask you to return a book for him. (You must have the picture of Elana with you)

    Step 5

  6. Head north and you will find a house. Try to open the door and the occupants won't let you in. Tell them you're returning a book from Jethick and they'll let you enter.

    Step 6

  7. Talk to one of the people inside and they'll inform you that Elena has been kidnapped and ask you to go up the stairs and talk to Milli.

    Step 7

  8. Go upstairs and talk to Milli and she'll tell you that Elena is being held in a building in the southeast corner of the city.

    Step 8

  9. Head to the southeast corner of the city and look for a building with an X on the door. Try to open it and a Mourner will say the house has been touched by the plague. Say that a girl called Elena is inside and ask him how to get in and he'll tell you to talk to Bravek.

    Step 9

  10. Head to the big manor, just north of the square, and tell the Clerk that it is urgent. He will let you to talk to Bravek.

    Step 10

  11. Go into the next room and talk to Bravek. He will say that he has a headache. Ask him about the cure and he will give you a scruffy note. Make a Hangover cure (using the steps below) and give it to Bravek. His headache will be cured. Tell him that the Mourner won't listen to you. He will give you a warrant.

    Get a bucket of milk,
    Add chocolate dust to the milk,
    Finally add some snape grass

    Step 11

  12. Go back to that house and try to open the door again. The Mourner standing outside will try stopping you until the warrant from Bravek is shown. Your character will automatically sneak inside when the Mourner turns on his back to speak with his partner. Walk down the spooky stairs and try to open the door, Elena will tell you that the key is somewhere here. Go back upstairs and search the barrel, you will find a small key. Go back down, use the key on the door and talk to Elena. She will say that her father will reward you.

    Step 12

  13. Go back to the sewers and talk to Edmond to claim your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Quest Complete

This Old School Quest Guide was written by Henry-X. Thanks to ironhead1230, Weezy, scotish cat, Mighty Red, SchmackyEvil, Biogenecis, MrStormy, Rune Dragon018, Stormer, storm007, cafetero, Enigma Fish, Shreazla, lunagogogirl, Goretox, Tikuiaku, FuryFight3r, A1StakeSahce, Javezz, Madame Kate, The Struggle, Jarkur, Rainbows End, and Hitori for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Feb 09, 2004, at 02:25:21 PM by Chownuggs and CJH, and it was last updated on Wed, Dec 20, 2017, at 01:39:48 AM by DRAVAN.

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