Skill Levels Required:
Quests Required:
Items Needed:
Items Recommended:
Items Acquired During Quest:
13,750 Prayer experience.
Starting Point:
Ancient Goblin Temple.
  1. Unequip all you items and make sure you have your Ghostspeak amulet and Ring of visibility with you. Travel to the Goblin Cave, just east of the Fishing Guild.

    Note: For players with a lower combat level it is advised to take food and Prayer potions with you.

    Cave entrance

  2. Enter the cave and make your way northwest until you reach the entrance to the Goblin Temple. Drink your Goblin potion and climb down the stairs.

    Note: Remember, that daylight and combat will negate the potions effects, causing you to become human again.

    Goblin entrance

  3. Inside the temple, head north and enter the door to the crypt.


  4. Equip your Ghostspeak amulet and Ring of visibility. The ghost of Hopespear will now appear before you. Talk to him and a long conversation will ensue. Ask him "Why are you here?" and tell him "I visited Yu'biusk". He will then ask you to take the bones of the five priests buried nearby to Yu'biusk and bury them there.


  5. In order to make the priests drop their bones instead of just collapsing, you must engage in ritual combat. This means unequipping everything (except for your Ring of visibility and Ghostspeak amulet) and defeating them all bare-handed. You cannot mage them, nor can you equip anything in the midst of the fight. They use a combination of melee, magic, and ranged to defeat you. Strongbones will also summon a group of level 15 Skoblins to help him.

    The priests can be summoned and defeated in any order, however, it may be easiest to defeat them in the same order as before: Snothead, Snailfeet, Mosschin, Redeyes, Strongbones. To summon them you will need to say their name at their grave marker. Each priest will drop a special bone when defeated correctly.

    Note: Due to a glitch you may not be able to pick up the bones after having killed a priest. This can be solved by using Telekinetic Grab spell on the bones, hence the runes brought along. Note that


  6. After defeating all the priests, take their bones (and your Dramen/Lunar staff if needed) to the nearest Fairy Ring. Dial B-L-Q to teleport to Yu'biusk.


  7. Bury the bones anywhere in Yu’biusk and each priest will grant you Prayer experience, totaling to 13,750.

    Congratulations Mini-Quest Complete!


This Miniquest Guide was written by Unfraggable1. Thanks to Sir_Brendan8, Skeletonmat, Clamball, Jakesterwars, uknowme60, and doug05257, Javezz, Alfawarlord, and ChathMurrpau for corrections.
This Miniquest Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Dec 01, 2007, at 12:54:27 AM by Jakesterwars, and it was last updated on Sun, Nov 10, 2019, at 03:58:14 PM by Alfawarlord.

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