Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Level 31 prayer
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Dusty key (unless you have 70+ Agility).
Items Recommended for Quest:
An Anti-dragon shield, Antipoison potion, Camelot teleport method, 1 Falador teleport method, Games necklace, Amulet of glory, Food, and Armor.
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
6625 Strength Exp, Thormac will enchant battlestaffs for you for 40,000 gp.
Start Point:
Sorcerer's tower south of Seers' Village.
To Start:
Speak to Thormac.
  1. Speak to Thormac. He tells you that he has lost his scorpions and wants you to get them back. He will give you a cage and tell you that the Seer in Seers Village could help you in locating them.

    Step 1

  2. Speak to the Seer in Seers Village and he will tell you that the scorpion is in between Black Demons and Poison Spiders. This is in Taverley Dungeon.

    Step 2

  3. Go to the bank and get some armor, an Anti-dragon shield, Antipoison, Food, and a Dusty key (if you don't have 70 agility). Head to Taverley and down into the dungeon south of the town.

    • If you have 80 agility, you can take the strange floor shortcut straight to the poison spiders. Skip to step 4.
    • If you have 70 agility, you should take the shortcut to the blue dragons, run south and then follow the path north, past the black demons and to the poison spiders. Skip to step 4.
    • If you have under 70 agility, make your way through the dungeon, past the Magic Axes, Poison Scorpions, Chaos Dwarves, and Lesser Demon until you come to a closed gate. Use the Dusty key to unlock the gate and enter the chamber with the Blue Dragons. Proceed passed the Blue Dragons and Black Demons until you come to an area with Poison Spiders.
    Note: If you do not have a Dusty key, head further south (past the Chaos Dwarves) until you come to an area filled with Black Knights. Once there, head to the second room filled with Black Knights. Then immediately turn into the eastern passage and kill a Jailer. Pick up the Jail key and unlock the southern cell. Talk to the prisoner, Velrak the Explorer, and explain you want to explore further to obtain the Dusty key.

  4. When you are in the area with the poison spiders, look for an "Odd wall" and push it to gain access to the room with the Kharid Scorpion. Use the Scorpion cage to capture it.

    Step 4

  5. Leave the dungeon and report back to Seer. His clue on the location of the second scorpion goes as follows "has been spirited away by a brute of a man. He runs a shop in a village two canoe trips from Lumbridge". This is Peksa, the owner of the helmet shop at the Barbarian Village.

  6. Head to Barbarian Village and speak with Peksa at his helmet shop. He will confess that he left it as a "surprise gift" to his brother at the Barbarian Outpost.

    Step 6

  7. Use a Games necklace to teleport to the Barbarian Assault arena. From there, walk east and enter the Barbarian Outpost. The Kharid Scorpion can be found in the small hut in the northeastern corner of the outpost. Use the Scorpion cage to pick up the second scorpion. (Note: If you have not completed the bar crawl, the barbarian next to the gate will not allow you to enter until you have done so.

    Step 7

  8. Head over to the Edgeville Monastery and go up the ladder in the southern corner. There, you will find the Kharid Scorpion wandering around. Use the Scorpion cage to catch the final scorpion.

    Step 9

  9. When you have all of the Scorpions, head back to Thormac and he will give you your reward.

    Quest Complete

This Old School Quest Guide was written by 70347, Firklover, irish_buddha. Thanks to Funkymetal, NPHSalliance, Javezz, Envies, McSwindler, ChokingIvy, and cabezan98 for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sun, May 02, 2004, at 02:08:30 PM by Cav103 and CJH, and it was last updated on Mon, Feb 27, 2017, at 12:47:55 AM by L1ttleR3d.

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