Table of Contents:

Getting Started:

To wear this armor, you require a combination of 80 Defence, 80 Magic, 80 Ranged, and 80 Strength. Each piece of the set cost 700 Thaler each. Thaler currency is obtained by being active during any Minigame.The exception if this is gemstone armour, which is obtained by killing gemstone dragons (Dragonstone, Onyx, and Hydrix.)

Each set has a base ability which provides a 15% damage boost if the entire set is worn. Individual pieces of a set can be worn to provide a 3% damage boost per item. It's important to note, however, that the boosts will only stack with armor pieces from the same set. You cannot mix all three sets together to gain the 15% damage boost - you will only receive a bonus for the most matching armor. If you had two matching pieces from one set, two from the second, and one from the third, you would only receive a 6% damage boost.

Hybrid Armour Sets:

There are three types of Hybrid Armour sets: Battle-mage, Trickster, and Vanguard. Each table below outlines the different equipment and the bonuses they bring.


Requirements to Wear: 85 Defence, 85 Magic, and 85 Strength.

Name Image Bonuses
Battle-mage helm Battle-mage helm Armour Bonus: 435
Battle-mage robe Battle-mage robe Armour Bonus: 500
Battle-mage legs Battle-mage legs Armour Bonus: 479
Battle-mage gloves Battle-mage gloves Armour Bonus: 108
Battle-mage boots Battle-mage boots Armour Bonus: 108
Total Bonuses: Armour Bonus: 1630


Requirements to Wear: 85 Defence, 85 Magic, and 85 Ranged.

Name Image Bonuses
Trickster helm Trickster helm Armour Bonus: 435
Trickster robe Trickster robe Armour Bonus: 500
Trickster legs Trickster legs Armour Bonus: 479
Trickster gloves Trickster gloves Armour Bonus: 108
Trickster boots Trickster boots Armour Bonus: 108
Total Bonuses: Armour Bonus: 1630


Requirements to Wear: 85 Defence, 85 Ranged, and 85 Strength.

Name Image Bonuses
Vanguard helm Vanguard helm Armour Bonus: 435
Vanguard body Vanguard body Armour Bonus: 500
Vanguard legs Vanguard legs Armour Bonus: 479
Vanguard gloves Vanguard gloves Armour Bonus: 108
Vanguard boots Vanguard boots Armour Bonus: 108
Total Bonuses: Armour Bonus: 1630

This Special Report was written by Darkblitz. Thanks to Javezz, Rednar, and DarkPyroNinja. for corrections.
This Special Report was entered into the database on Thu, Jan 26, 2012, at 03:19:05 PM by Darkblitz, and it was last updated on Thu, May 11, 2017, at 06:11:01 AM by Numerous One.

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