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Black heraldic armour set 3 (lg)The Grand Exchange.171.9k gpNoNo
Black heraldic armour set 3 (sk)The Grand Exchange.195.5k gpNoNo
Black heraldic armour set 4 (lg)The Grand Exchange.171.7k gpNoNo
Black heraldic armour set 4 (sk)The Grand Exchange.193.6k gpNoNo
Black heraldic armour set 5 (lg)The Grand Exchange.171.2k gpNoNo
Black heraldic armour set 5 (sk)The Grand Exchange.191.7k gpNoNo
Black hoodBought from Thessalia's cloth shop in New Varrock for 20 Zemomark. 0 gpYesYes
Black ibis bodyFound during the Pyramid Plunder minigame.---NoYes
Black ibis bootsFound during the Pyramid Plunder minigame.---NoYes
Black ibis legsFound during the Pyramid Plunder minigame.---NoYes
Black ibis maskFound during the Pyramid Plunder minigame.---NoYes
Black iron ringThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Black key blackResult of cremating Asyn shades.---NoYes
Black key brownResult of cremating Riyl shades.---NoYes
Black key crimsonResult of cremating Riyl shades.---NoYes
Black key purpleResult of cremating Asyn shades.---NoYes
Black key redResult of cremating Riyl shades.---NoYes
Black kiteshieldBought from Saro in Keldagrim; Monster drop. 4,859 gpNoNo
Black kiteshield (g)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).9,828 gpNoNo
Black kiteshield (t)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).5,596 gpNoNo
Black KnifeMonster dropped.767 gpNoNo
Black knight access insignia It is obtained by pick-pocketing a barrel-laden worker carrying boxes in the Black Knight Workshop antechamber during the quest.---NoYes
Black Knight captain's bootsArmour stand in Edgeville Monastery.---YesNo
Black Knight captain's cuirassArmour stand in Edgeville Monastery.---YesNo
Black Knight captain's gauntletsArmour stand in Edgeville Monastery.---YesNo
Black Knight captain's gownArmour stand in Edgeville Monastery.---YesNo
Black Knight captain's helmArmour stand in Edgeville Monastery.---YesNo
Black knight helmIn the bookcase in the upstairs room of the Sinclair mansion.---YesYes
Black knight kill enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer.---NoYes
Black knight workshop keyThe Black knight workshop key is received during A Void Dance when you used the Gaff made out of items you found from the workbenches. ---NoYes
Black LongswordBought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.3,476 gpNoNo
Black maceMonster drop.4,494 gpNoNo
Black maskPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.9m gpYesYes
Black mask (1)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (10)Monster drop.1.9m gpNoYes
Black mask (2)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (3)Player made (See Notes Section.)0 gpYesYes
Black mask (4)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (5)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (7)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (8)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mask (9)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Black mushroomPicked in the Ruins of Uzer and in the Goblin Cave.---YesYes
Black mushroom inkPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Black nailsZogre coffins
Found while mining rubble in the basement of the Burgh De Rott Inn during the In Aid of the Myreque.
389 gpNoYes
Black parasolTreasure Hunter promotion (Build a Beach). This event runs from August 11th till August 15th.---NoNo
Black pearlGiven to you by Gudrik as a reward for completing A Shadow Over Ashdale.---NoNo
Black pearl (Zogoth)Quest reward.---NoYes
Black platebodyBought from Horvik in Varrock and Zenesha in East Ardougne; Monster drop; Possible Treasure Trails reward (Easy Clue scroll).3,555 gpNoNo
Black Platebody (Bugged)This is given to you by Captain Korasi during The Void Stares Back---NoYes
Black platebody (g)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).13.9k gpNoNo
Black platebody (h1)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).785.6k gpNoNo
Black platebody (h2)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).615.7k gpNoNo
Black platebody (h3)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).741.2k gpNoNo
Black platebody (h4)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).648.8k gpNoNo
Black platebody (h5)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).652.2k gpNoNo
Black platebody (t)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).6,698 gpNoNo
Black platelegsBought from Louie Legs in Al Kharid and Valaine in the Champions' Guild; Monster drop; Possible reward from Vyrewatch Corpse Burning. 2,981 gpNoNo
Black Platelegs (Bugged)This is given to you by Captain Korasi during The Void Stares Back---NoYes
Black platelegs (g)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).10.3k gpNoNo
Black platelegs (h1)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).754.1k gpNoNo
Black platelegs (h2)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).713.6k gpNoNo
Black platelegs (h3)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).716.2k gpNoNo
Black platelegs (h4)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).593.7k gpNoNo
Black platelegs (h5)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).651.4k gpNoNo
Black platelegs (t)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).6,166 gpNoNo
Black plateskirtBought from Raneal in Al Kharid.3,058 gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (g)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).4,211 gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (h1)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).707.5k gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (h2)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).700.2k gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (h3)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).666.2k gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (h4)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).640.2k gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (h5)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).631.9k gpNoNo
Black plateskirt (t)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).2,388 gpNoNo