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TrolleyGiven to you by Ellamaria at Varrock Castle.---YesYes
Statuette (The Golem)In a cabinet on the second floor of the Varrock Museum.---YesYes
Chest Key (Hazeel Cult)Found in a crate in the basement of the Carnillean's Mansion.---YesYes
Ghostly hoodObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly cloakObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly robe topObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly robe bottomObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly glovesObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly bootsObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Burnt karambwanPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Mouse toyReward from Bob the Cat.---NoYes
Nurse hatGiven to you by the Apothecary in Varrock.---YesYes
Doctors hatGiven to you by the Apothecary in Varrock.---YesYes
PresentReward from the A Tail of Two Cats quest.---YesYes
Overgrown catPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Solus's hatDropped by Solus Dellagar.---YesYes
CommorbReceived from Sir Tiffy Cashien.---YesYes
Colour wheelFound by searching a dead guard near the Temple of Light during Mourning's Ends Part II and by searching a dead slave during Within the Light.---YesYes
Fishbowl (with fish)Made by getting a tiny fish in the Aquarium and using it with a fishbowl which has water and seaweed in it.---NoYes
Tiny NetBought from Harry in Catherby.---NoYes
An empty boxGiven to you by Harry in Catherby.---NoNo
Seaweed in a boxUsing Ground Seaweed with An Empty Box.---NoYes
Fishbowl (water) Made by adding water to a empty fishbowl.---NoYes
Fishbowl (seaweed)Using seaweed with a Fishbowl (water).---NoYes
ChoresGiven by Bob the cat. ---YesYes
KaramthulhuPlayer made (See Notes Section) and Monster drop.---NoYes
Holy wrenchCreated by Davey blessing a Wrench.---YesYes
Orange goblin mailPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Ogre gate keyGive to you by Grish, west of Gu'Tanoth.---YesYes
Scrumpled paperThe Scrumpled paper is obtained randomly by talking to Shantay at the Shantay Pass. It will fall out of his pocket.---NoYes
Eastern discoveryFound on the bookshelves in Lletya.---NoYes
Fire capeReward for beating the TzHaar Fight Cave mini-game.---NoYes
Ice CoolerSold by slayer masters.---NoYes
Demonic sigilPlayer made (See Notes).---YesYes
Spade headGotten by trying to dig up a Farming Patch and having it fall apart.---NoYes
Spade handleWhile trying to dig up a Farming Patch, sometimes your spade break apart.---NoYes
Enchanted keyGiven to you by Silver merchant during the Making History quest.
Given to you by Jorral during the Meeting History quest.
Rusty scimitarRusty scimitars are dropped by Zombie pirates, Sorebones, or Zombie swabs.---NoYes
Black desert shirtPlayer made.---NoYes
Black desert robePlayer made.---NoYes
Fishing explosiveCan be bought from slayer masters.---NoYes
Mudskipper hatMonster drop.---NoYes
Ring of charos (a)Received from the Wise Old Man after passing his quiz about persuasion (he activates the true power of the Ring of charos).---YesYes
Kelda seedGiven to you by four drunken dwarves.---YesYes
FlippersMonster drop.---NoYes
BalladGiven to you by Ghaslor the Elder in Nardah.---YesYes
Torn robe (top)Search a cupboard in Shiratti the Custodian's house in Nardah.---YesYes
Torn robe (bottom)Search a cupboard in Shiratti the Custodian's house in Nardah.---YesYes
Ancestral keyOn a table in Shiratti the Custodian's house in Nardah.---YesYes
Robe of elidinis (top)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Robe of elidinis (bottom)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
SolePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
ShoesRespawns in Awusah the Mayor's house.---YesYes
Silverlight (Black)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
SweetsTrick children near lumbridge who are trick or treating. ---NoNo
Zombie headInsult a zombie and he will drop his head - only lumbridge swamp zombie's available from 31st October - 7th November 2005.
If lost can reclaim from Diango in Draynor.
DarklightPlayer made (See Notes).---YesYes
Camo helmetCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 500 coins. ---NoNo
Antique lampReward from various Quests, Mini-quests, Achievement Diaries, and given by Historian minas for trading him an effigy.---NoNo
A stone bowl (lava)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Champion's scroll (imp)Monster drop.---NoYes
Rat poleGiven to you by Grimesquit or Phingspet in the Varrock Sewers.---YesYes
Bell baubleDiango's workshop in Draynor Village.---NoNo
Box baubleInside Diango's workshop (only obtainable during Christmas 2005.) ---NoNo
Diamond baubleDiango's workshop in Draynor Village.---NoNo
Protean cogPossible Treasure Hunter reward.---NoYes
Tree baubleDiango's workshop in Draynor Village. ---NoNo
Bauble box (full)Inside Diango's workshop, ask Rosie (the head pixie) for a bauble box (only obtainable during Christmas 2005.) ---NoNo
Bauble box (empty or semi-full)Inside Diango's workshop, ask Rosie (the head pixie) for a bauble box (only obtainable during Christmas 2005.)---NoNo
Puppet Box ( full )Diango's workshop, ask Rosie ( the head pixie ) for a puppet box and fill it with completed marionettes. ---NoNo
Puppet box ( empty or semi-full )Diango's workshop, ask Rosie ( the head pixie ) for a puppet box.---NoNo
Marionette (Red, Blue, Green)Diango's workshop basement. (Player-made by putting the correct pieces from the correct boxes together) After putting 5 boxes of baubles on the tree in Varrock you get one as a present.---NoNo
Arena bookBought from the Rewards guardian for 200 gold coins.---NoYes
Camo topCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 2000 coins. ---NoNo
Woolly hatReward from completing the 2005 Christmas event. You can reclaim it from Diango in Draynor Village.---NoNo