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Sealed clue scroll (easy)Monster drop; Found from most standard skilling activities when Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, or Divining.---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (medium)Monster drop; Found from most standard skilling activities when Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, or Divining.---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (hard)Monster drop; Found from most standard skilling activities when Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, or Divining.---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (elite)Monster drop; Found from most standard skilling activities when Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, or Divining.---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (master)Monster drop; Found from most standard skilling activities when Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, or Divining; Reward from any level of Treasure Trail.---NoYes
Oak casket50% chance of being found while Fishing when using a (Superior)Casket-salvaging scrimshaw.---NoYes
Teak casket40% chance of being found while Fishing when using a (Superior)Casket-salvaging scrimshaw.---NoYes
Mahogany casket10% chance of being found while Fishing when using a (Superior)Casket-salvaging scrimshaw.---NoYes
Stack of presentsUnlocked via a Stack of presents token. ---NoNo
Clockwork lemonObtained from Eira during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017) for 5,000 Clockwork pieces.---NoNo
Mammoth plush tokenFound in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017); Found in Presents during the Holiday events (December 2017).0 gpNoNo
Mammoth plushieObtained via the Mammoth plush token.---NoYes
Penguin plushieObtained via the Penguin plush token.---NoYes
Augmented wilderness sword 4Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
First age tiara add-onWon from Treasure Hunter; Purchased from the Shady ghost for 1,000 ecto-tokens.---NoYes
Magnetic minnowCaught in the South East Deep Sea Fishing Hub.---NoYes
Metallic dragon trinketsWon from a Summer loot pinata or Treasure Hunter; hidden within a loot bag.---NoNo
Letter from Bill TeachObtained from Postie Pete when trying to enter your Player-Owned Home.---YesYes
Eric's hookObtained from Two-Eyed Eric.---YesYes
Piece of cloth (Pieces of Hate)Obtained by using Eric's hook on the bed in your jail cell.---YesYes
Eric's hook attached to clothPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Eric's hook (sharpened)Player Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Small crateObtained by searching the crates near Bill Teach's jail cell.---YesYes
Wooden spoon (Pieces of Hate)Obtained by searching the desk on the ground floor of the jail.---YesYes
Unbaited box trapPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Cheese sandwichObtained by searching the desk on the ground floor of the jail.---YesYes
Baited trapPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
WilsonCaught by using a Baited trap.---YesYes
FishCaught by using Eric's hook attached to cloth.---YesYes
Customs shirt (Pieces of Hate)Found by searching the lockers on the ground floor.---YesYes
Customs trousers (Pieces of Hate)Found by searching the lockers on the ground floor.---YesYes
Customs hat (Pieces of Hate)Found by searching the lockers on the ground floor.---YesYes
Guard's keysReceived from Wilson.---YesYes
Pineapple (Pieces of Hate)Obtained by searching the desk on the ground floor of the jail. ---YesYes
Pineapple (sticky)Player Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Pineapple WilsonPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
First floor keysFound by searching a bed in the Southern room, on the second floor of Rock Island prison.---YesYes
'Rum'Found by searching the lockers on the second floor of Rock Island prison.---YesYes
Barrelchest disguise (Pieces of Hate)Received from Davey.---YesYes
100% Luke's legReceived from Captain Donnie.---YesYes
Barrels of 'rum'Obtained on the second floor of the distillery.---YesYes
Zombie pirate headObtained from within the secret hideout on Mos Le'Harmless at a certain point in the quest.---YesYes
Ring of fan mailRandomly obtained from opening fan mail (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of small parcelRandomly obtained from opening small parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Big Book o' PiracyQuest reward.---NoYes
Black pearl (Zogoth)Quest reward.---NoYes
Ring of medium parcelRandomly obtained from opening medium parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of large parcelRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of huge parcelRandomly obtained from opening huge parcels (May 2018).0 gpNoYes
Ring of the BlightedRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of the DoomedRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of the WretchedRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of the InfestedRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of the TaintedRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Augmented hexhunter bowPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Soulgazer's charmMonster drop.---NoYes
Grondaban's stalker notesNorth end of the Stalker Dungeon.---NoYes
Decaying journalMonster Drop.---NoYes
Festering journalMonster Drop.---NoYes
Rotten journalReceived from the Odd Old Man.---NoYes
Pestilent journalIn a jungle plant on North West Mos Le'Harmless.---NoYes
Blasphemous journalIn a dirt mound North East of the Mos Le'Harmless wheat field.---NoYes
Old diaryIn a crate near the Odd Old Man's bed.---NoYes
Crumpled note (stained)Received from the Hooded Pirate.---NoYes
Black coinObtained by searching a chest in North West Mos Le'Harmless.---NoYes
Crumpled note (perfumed)Received from the Hooded Pirate.---NoYes
Oldak coilPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cursed ushabti (empty)Player made. (see notes)0 gpNoYes
Burnt green blubber jellyfishPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Burnt blue blubber jellyfishPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Burnt sailfishPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Barrel of baitFound while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant. ---NoYes
Broken fishing rod (Deep Sea)Found while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant.---NoYes
Tangled fishbowlFound while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant. ---NoYes
Message in a bottle (Deep Sea)Found while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant. ---NoYes