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Fungal ponchoPlayer made (See Notes Section).17.0k gpNoYes
Adamant off hand mace + 2Player made (See Notes Section).17.0k gpNoNo
Dragon kite ornament kit (or)Monster drop.17.0k gpNoYes
Ninja impling jarImpetuous Impulses Mini-game17.0k gpNoYes
Reinforced dragon bonesMonster drop; Possible reward for completing a daily challenge inside a mystery bag.16.9k gpNoYes
Juju hunter potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).16.8k gpNoYes
Armadyl crossbow shardMonster drop.16.8k gpNoYes
Rune hastaPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.8k gpNoYes
Larupia FurPit falling Spined Larupia.16.7k gpNoYes
Pack mammoth pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.7k gpNoYes
Mystic wandBought from the Robe Store owner in the Magic Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.16.7k gpNoNo
Adamant 2h crossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.6k gpNoNo
Mystic robe top (blue)Bought from Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.16.6k gpNoNo
Aggression flask (2)Player made (See notes)16.5k gpNoYes
Aggression flask (1)Player made (See notes)16.5k gpNoYes
Perfect juju dungeoneering flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).16.5k gpNoYes
Black ewe (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.16.4k gpNoYes
Weapon poison++ flask (3)Player made (See Notes Section).16.4k gpNoYes
O'ahu parasol tokenSummer Beach Party Event, Player bought16.4k gpNoNo
Kahului parasol tokenSummer Beach Party Event, Player bought16.4k gpNoNo
Adamant kiteshield + 1Player made (See Notes Section).16.3k gpNoNo
Sea turtle baitPlayer Made (See Notes).16.2k gpNoYes
Splitbark orbGive 3000 coins and three pieces of bark to Wizard Jalarast to make.16.2k gpNoNo
Summerdown ewe (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.16.0k gpNoYes
Steel armour set (l)Player made (See notes section).16.0k gpNoNo
Prayer renewal (4)Player made (See Notes Section).16.0k gpNoYes
Yew pyre logsPlayer made (See Notes Section.)15.9k gpNoYes
whetstone (device)Can be made in the Invention guild. 15.9k gpNoYes
Elder rune barPlayer made (See Notes Section).15.9k gpNoYes
Adamant battleaxe + 1Player made (See Notes Section).15.8k gpNoNo
Super strength (3)Player made (See Notes Section.)15.7k gpNoYes
Numbing rootMonster drop.15.7k gpNoYes
Adamant off hand scimitar + 1Player made (See Notes Section).15.7k gpNoNo
Orikalkum full helm + 1Player made (See Notes Section).15.6k gpNoYes
Compressed animaIt can be bought from the Shattered Worlds Reward Shop. 15.6k gpNoYes
Necronium platelegsPlayer made (See Notes Section).15.6k gpNoYes
Kauai parasol tokenSummer Beach Party Event, Player bought15.5k gpNoNo
Super Saradomin brew (2)Player made (See Notes Section).15.5k gpNoYes
Wine of ZamorakRespawns at the Chaos Temple north of Falador and south of the the Goblin Village.15.5k gpNoNo
Tzhaar-ket-emMonster drop; Bought from TzHaar-Hur-Tel in the TzHaar City.15.5k gpNoYes
Perfect juju agility potion (2)Player made (See Notes).15.5k gpNoYes
Necronium off hand battleaxePlayer made (See Notes Section).15.4k gpNoYes
Splitbark shieldTrade with Wizard Jalarast to make.15.3k gpNoNo
Super magic potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).15.3k gpNoYes
Pros'yte harness fSir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park.15.3k gpNoYes
Mithril kiteshield + 2Player made (See Notes Section).15.3k gpNoNo
Super attack flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).15.2k gpNoYes
Large blunt adamant salvageMonster Drop.15.2k gpNoNo
Brawler demon pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).15.2k gpNoYes
Prayer flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).15.2k gpNoYes
Adamant off hand warhammer + 2Player made (See Notes Section).15.1k gpNoNo
Adamant halberdTyras Camp.15.1k gpNoYes
Adamant sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).15.1k gpNoNo
Splitbark wandBought from Wizard Jalarast in the Wizards' Tower.15.1k gpNoNo
Tooth half of a keyMysterious Old Man, Cap'n Hand, Giles/Miles/Niles, Caskets, Taverley dragonstone chest, Security Guard, Gnome Delivery Service, Rick Turpentine, Barrows chest, Monster drop, and a possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse.15.0k gpNoYes
Tribal mask (blue)Obtained by killing Broodoo Victims that randomly appear from the bushes around Tai Bwo Wannai Village.15.0k gpNoYes
Rune scimitarPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Possible loot from silver chests during the Mort'ton Shade Burning Mini-game.15.0k gpNoNo
Loop half of a keyCan be given to you as a possible reward from a random event and from the Gnome Delivery Service. It can also be found inside Caskets, inside the Taverley chest, inside the Barrows chest, and received as a monster drop or found inside of a dead, evil tree.14.9k gpNoYes
Mithril plateskirt + 1Player made (See Notes Section).14.9k gpNoNo
Coral dagger tokenFound while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party.14.9k gpNoNo
Small plated rune salvageMonster Drop.14.9k gpNoNo
Great white shark baitPlayer Made (See Notes).14.9k gpNoYes
Small spiky rune salvageMonster Drop.14.9k gpNoNo
Small blunt rune salvageMonster Drop.14.8k gpNoNo
Snake hideMonster drop; Possible mini-game reward.14.8k gpNoNo
Small bladed rune salvageMonster Drop.14.6k gpNoNo
Adamant mace + 1Player made (See Notes Section).14.5k gpNoNo
Cider (3)This item can be created by drinking a Cider(4) or adding 3 doses of Cider into a Calquat keg.14.5k gpNoYes
Adamant claws + 1Player made (See Notes Section).14.5k gpNoNo
Lifeguard chair head tokenFound while skilling on the beach during the Summer Beach Party14.4k gpNoNo
Muddy keyMonster-drop.14.4k gpNoNo
Mithril platelegs + 2Player made (See Notes Section).14.4k gpNoNo
Mithril chainbody + 1Player made (See Notes Section).14.3k gpNoNo
Kebbit teeth dustCrushing kebbit teeth with a pestal and mortar.14.3k gpNoYes
Fallfaced ram (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.14.3k gpNoYes