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Cupric sulphateOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers.---YesYes
Cure potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Curious toolThe Curious tool is acquired when you search one of the indentured worker's workbenches during A Void Dance.---NoYes
Curled hornsThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Curly rootChopped from a curled jade root withing the Jadinko lair.---NoYes
Curly wig It is given to the player by Captain Braindeath in order to fool the bartender of The Rusty Anchor into purchasing some of Captain Braindeath's 'rum'.---NoYes
Curried lard nuggetsObtained randomly while skilling; random amount given from opening a Food bag or Large food bag.0 gpNoYes
Curry saplingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Curry seedlingPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Coeden in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Curry seedling (w)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Cursed energyWilderness.0 gpNoNo
Cursed magic logsCan be chopped from a tree in the Spirit Realm.0 gpNoYes
Cursed memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Cursed Wisp Colony in Level 24 Wilderness just North of the Wilderness lodestone.
Wilderness Cursed Wisp Colony
Cursed ushabti (empty)Player made. (see notes)0 gpNoYes
Cursed willow logsCut from the roots in the first room of the cave where you fight the Spirit Beast in the Summer's End quest.---YesYes
Curved artifactThe curved artefact is an item dropped from Kalphite workers during the third combat-related assignment given by a God Emissary.0 gpNoYes
Curved boneMonster drop.---NoYes
Curved masterwork platePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Curved plankA Curved plank is an item made in Sawmill training by successfully completing the Curve Cut---NoYes
Custom bow stringGiven to you by Skulgrimen, in Rellekka's helmet shop, in exchange for the Unusual fish.---YesYes
Custom fishing lurePlayer Made(See Notes).---YesYes
Custom jungle fishing rodPlayer Made(See Notes).---YesYes
Custom-fit trimmed masterwork bootsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Custom-fit trimmed masterwork glovesPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Custom-fit trimmed masterwork helmPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Custom-fit trimmed masterwork platebodyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Custom-fit trimmed masterwork platelegsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Customs hatMonster drop.---NoYes
Customs hat (Pieces of Hate)Found by searching the lockers on the ground floor.---YesYes
Customs shirtMonster drop.---NoYes
Customs shirt (Pieces of Hate)Found by searching the lockers on the ground floor.---YesYes
Customs trousersMonster drop.---NoYes
Customs trousers (Pieces of Hate)Found by searching the lockers on the ground floor.---YesYes
Cutthroat flagThe Cutthroat flag can be purchased from Honest Jimmy for 200 Pieces of Eight.---NoYes
Cw super attack potionThe Cw super attack potion is a reward from Castle Wars.---NoYes
Cw super defence potionThe Cw super defence potion is a reward from Castle Wars.---NoYes
Cw super energy potion1 Silver Castle wars ticket(Lanthus) ---NoYes
Cw super magic potion The set costs one Silver Castle wars ticket and can only be consumed while playing Castle Wars.---NoYes
Cw super ranging potionThe set costs one Silver Castle wars ticket and can only be consumed while playing Castle Wars. ---NoYes
Cw super strength potion The set costs one Silver Castle wars ticket and can only be consumed while playing Castle Wars.---NoYes
Cyan crystalSearch the chest past the door of blue light.---YesYes
Cyclosis teleportPurchased from Boni. ---NoYes
CylinderFound inside the Mage Training Arena (in the Enchantment Chamber).
You can pick one up from the Cylinder pile.
Cyrisus's chestObtained from 'Bird's-Eye' Jack.---YesYes
CoinsVarious areas around RuneScape; Monster drop; pickpocketing; trading with merchants or players.1 gpNoNo
Clay ring (unfired)Player made (See Notes Section).12 gpNoNo
Carved oak benchPlayer made (see notes section). 14 gpNoYes
Carved oak tablePlayer made (See Notes Section). 15 gpNoYes
Common kebbit furDropped by Common kebbits in the Hunter skill.15 gpNoNo
Carved oak magic wardrobePlayer made.17 gpNoYes
Coal stone spiritObtained from mining Coal rocks; Monster Drop.19 gpNoNo
Carved teak benchPlayer made (see notes section).24 gpNoYes
CrayfishPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.24 gpNoNo
Chocolate slicePlayer made (by eating most of chocolate cake) or (members) thieve from the Ardougne (East) cake stall.26 gpNoNo
Crude wooden chairPlayer made (See Notes Section). 42 gpNoYes
Cooked rabbitCook a Raw rabbit on a range or on a fire.45 gpNoYes
Chocolate cream cheesePlayer Made (See Notes).51 gpNoYes
Cooked sweetcornPlayer made.51 gpNoYes
Chopped garlicPlayer made (See Notes Section).56 gpNoYes
Cup of waterPlayer made (see Notes section).61 gpNoYes
Congealed bloodDropped by creatures of Morytania: Bloodveld, Bruise Blamish Snail, Celestial dragon, Experiment, Fiyr Shade, Gargoyle, Ghast, Ghoul, Giant snail, Loar Shade, Mutated bloodveld, Nail beast, Nechryael, Ochre Blamish Snailrn, Phrin Shade, Skeleton, Swamp snake, Terror dog, Vyrelady, Vyrewatch.70 gpNoYes
Cooked chickenPlayer made (see Notes section).
Upstairs in the Falador shield shop.
70 gpNoNo
Cooked undead chickenPlayer made (See Notes Section).70 gpNoYes
Cooked undead meatPlayers can only make it by cooking raw beef (from an undead cow) on a range or a fire.74 gpNoYes
Carved teak magic wardrobePlayer made.78 gpNoYes
Chinchompa residueHarvesting produce from Chinchompas at the Manor farm.80 gpNoYes
Combat potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).80 gpNoYes
Cream cheesePlayer Made (See Notes).83 gpYesNo
Cake tinRespawns in the Cooks' Guild and the ruins in level 25 Wilderness; Bought at the Cooking supplies store in Yanille and most general stores.86 gpNoNo
ChiselGround floor of the Crafting Guild, Bought from Dommik in Al Kharid; Possible monster drop.87 gpNoNo
Cleaning clothPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Tamayu's Spear Stall in Tai Bwo Wannai after Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest .88 gpNoYes
CodPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Alfonse the Waiter.91 gpNoYes
Chitin scrapsMade by repairing Damaged Chitin on an anvil.93 gpNoYes
Calquat kegPlayer made (see notes).95 gpNoYes
CatfishPlayer made (See Notes).98 gpNoYes